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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Where did all this come from?!?

It constantly amazes me when I look around our house at all the "stuff" we've accumulated! Obviously with six people in our family there's bound to be stuff but when is it considered excessive? When do I need to admit there's a problem? I mean really do we need twenty pairs of pajamas, T-shirts, candles, et cetera? If I really truly want an organized and less cluttered home I have to learn to not be so sentimental and hoarderish. Now that spring has arrived and spring cleaning is on all of our minds I have no choice but to force myself to PURGE! We need to scale back the amount of our belongings to ensure a somewhat uncluttered and slightly less messy home. I do feel as though I'm always in a state of needing to organize and declutter around here. Maybe one day I will get it right but until then we'll just keep trying to organize this messy Foster house.

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