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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day

As this day came to an end I reflected on how blessed I am. I have my mom and her mom to help me become the best mom I can possibly be. I have all four of my children here with me (almost two years ago I was told we had about a month before we could have lost Dillan by the ER doctor). I have a husband that loves me unconditionally and is an amazing partner in life. My heart and prayers go out to my friends that are traveling this road alone. I pray for those who have moms in heaven that today you felt their embrace throughout the day. I pray for those who have experienced the loss of a child that today you feel their unconditional love throughout the day. My day was special not because I was showered with gifts or because my children were angels (they were actually worse than usual today), it was special because I chose to focus on the blessings God gives me every day...

I am blessed with a teenager that hugs his great-grandmother and gives her a kiss on the cheek at every family gathering. 
I am blessed with a preteen that is with me daily as a living example of God's amazing miracles and a testimony of His love. 
I am blessed with a young curious boy that has a precious and sometimes mischievous personality and is very loving to all of us. 
I am blessed with a daughter who is very sure of herself. Her confidence at five years old is mind boggling. 

My grandmother, Ethel Baggett
Four Generations
My mom, Sue Saviak
My little princess
Mom and her mom
Love him

My blessings, when I remember to focus on them, are overflowing. I am thankful and grateful He chose me to have this life and be mom to Chandler, Dillan, Ethan and Isabelle. 
Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Where did April go?!?

It was just Easter and the end of March. I blinked and April disappeared! The kids had a pretty good spring break and I had a great birthday including a surprise birthday party planned and completely pulled off by my 4th graders! Isabelle played T-ball and Ethan is playing soccer with SLES. Dillan's Robotics Team competed at the State level and placed 3rd! Chandler is a typical teenager ready for school to be out. Tim was busy traveling out of town almost every week but thankfully my parents were able to help me with our crazy schedule. All in all April flew by but it was a great month full of blessings!